Expanding Data Science Pathways


How might we radically expand access to data science careers for STARs?

Demand for data science workers has grown exponentially over the past 13 years. During this time, STARs have maintained a foothold in data science careers, but the opportunity gap between STARs and degree holders has widened. Without widening opportunities for STARs, companies will struggle to meet their growing talent needs in the coming decade.

This problem can be solved by intentionally expanding the pathways that STARs are already taking into data science and lengthening the data science talent pipeline to workers that hold the foundational skills for data science.

✽ ✽ ✽ data visualization would be embedded here ✽ ✽ ✽


We can expand pathways for STARs into data science at scale

Expanding on existing pathways and building new skills-based pathways offers the potential for many effective interventions. We can expand the talent pool for data science and provide opportunities for STARs to demonstrate their full potential if: 

  • The philanthropic community supports pilots to test and scale pathways for STARs
  • Employers intentionally source from origin roles where STARs are already making the transition into data science
  • Employers work with training providers to upskill STARs in roles where they are building the foundational skills for data science

Download our report with concept solutions for expanding pathways for STARs into data science
